Baktım ki bu üşengeçliğim tek tek ne giydim postu yaptırtmayacak oysa ki ben çoOoOo niyetteyim :))
şöyle bi ortaya karışık yapayım dedim (:
I understood that my lazy mode not allowed me to do detailed enda style, what I wear posts. I decided to show a mix before and after the July in my mind and addition to Enda Style, What I'm wearinghere you are enda style in this summer..
beşiktaş to kadıköy ship with bf, shirt: H&M, bag: Gina Tricot |
A weeding. Dress: Marks&Spencer, Shoes: Nine West, Bag: Gift from Arabic Countries |
hair accessory : regular shop |
shirt: H&M, pant: Doroty Perkins, Shoes: Hotiç, Bag: Koton |
that we called it family (: |
I'm in love (: Glasses: H&M, Shirt: Terkos, Earing: Gina Tricot |
ring: a regular shop, Dikili |
dress: atmosphere bought at Terkos |
Left to right: Orange: from Denmark, Yellow and Skull from Dikili, Ombre: from Ankara, Purple: from Kadıköy, Infinity: Atasay, Row: from Eminönü |
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Ben bunları dedim ama ya sizce ? Ya da isterseniz ileti gönderin ;)
I said that but what you think about it ? :)) Or if you want send an email ;)